
Veneer and freestyle ski jumps and slope obstacles

1. Introduction of single board and freestyle skiing platform and slope obstacles

Snowboarding Grand Jump (BA): The player slides from a height and jumps in front of the big platform to perform various stunts, swings and other aerial stunts.

Snowboard Slope Slope Technique (SBS): The Slope Obstruction Skill is a competition on a track consisting of rails, tables, boxes, walls and platforms. Athletes can choose the track that suits them in a variety of terrains. Performing.

2.Veneer and freestyle ski jumping platform and slope obstacle skill competition rules

The six referees scored the athlete's height, rotation, skill, difficulty and overall performance with a 100-point perfect score, excluding the highest score and the excluded minimum score. The average score of the remaining four referees is the final score of the contestant. The athletes perform 2 rounds of competition, and the final ranking of the players is scheduled according to the best results in the 2 rounds; the height difference of the Winter Olympics track is at least 150 meters, the average slope should be above 12 degrees, and the track width should be at least 30 meters. It consists of at least 6 stages (terrain + jump) and more than 3 stages.

3, veneer and freestyle ski big jump platform and slope obstacle skill scoring system

In the skiing competition, the referee plays the corresponding scores in the scoring terminal system according to the athlete's performance, and after the summary calculation by the score processing system, the final score and ranking of the athletes are displayed in the venue large screen and the referee score terminal.
